"IT" can be anything you
want to consider. Take for instance the word: "CHRISTIAN"
Dictionary.com defines a "Christian"
as: The word "Christian" is
found in three places within the Bible:
From the dictionary definition, it appears that one becomes a "Christian" when he "professes a belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life
and teachings of Jesus." One could also be referred to as a "Christian" if it is ASSUMED
he believes "in Jesus Christ, and the truth as taught by Him," or if he was "born in a Christian
country or of Christian parents." From the Bible, it is clear that the disciples in Antioch in Acts
11:26 were Christians.
From the dictionary definition, they are everywhere they claim
to be, and, are assumed to be at this time. From the Bible, it is clear there were some Christians
walking the face of the earth in Antioch at the chronological point in time congruent with the historical record contained
in Acts 11:26.
From the dictionary definition, because individuals want to follow
a "religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus," probably, because they perceive some kind of a spiritual benefit
for doing such. From the Bible, it is not readily evident from the three
verses why the disciples were called Christians, but they do satisfy the dictionary definition
as followers of Christ being His disciples.
From the dictionary definition, when one believes, professes, or
is assumed to be a follower of a religion based upon the life and teachings of Jesus. From the Bible, the disciples were followers, but it is not
readily apparent from the three verses what they believed being Christians at that chronological
point in time.
From the dictionary definition, anyone and anything that claims
to be, for instance, George W. Bush, the Pope, Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, America, etc. From the Bible, the disciples in Acts 11:26, for sure.
What if it is impossible to be a "Christian?"
What if being a "Christian" today is
actually and/or technically impossible, because such is not supported by a scriptural definition and description of what qualifies
one to be a genuine Christian? If there is no such thing as being "Christian"
today, scripturally-speaking, then what is going on with all this "Christian" stuff in your face
everywhere you turn? What if every associative use of the word "Christian" today is synonymous with a "FALSE WAY?" The Bible answers these questions precisely, leaving no doubt
that it is impossible for anyone or anything to be Christian at this chronological point in time
anywhere on the face of the earth.
an accurate definition of the word "Christian" one has to consider what prompted the first instance
of usage to identify individuals labeled as such within scripture. Acts 11:26 is where you find the initial use
of the word to describe disciples that were the FIRST to be called Christians. So, what were the defining characteristics associated with these disciples that caused them to be identified
as Christian? In order to derive the precise definition of the word "Christian
" from scripture, it is necessary to study the association and beliefs of these disciples identified in Acts 11:26.
The Book of Acts is referred to by many as a transition book. This means that Acts is a record of
change from one thing to another as the individuals, groups, and doctrinal beliefs of each evolved throughout that historical
time frame as recorded and preserved in the text. The most obvious and extraordinary instance of change from one thing to another in Acts concerns Paul.
Paul [a.k.a. Saul up until Acts 13:9] changes from killing disciples to becoming a fellow believer. Saul comes on the
scene in Acts 7:58 and is the focus of attention all the way to the end of the Book, except for a section of text between
Acts 9:30 and 11:25 where Saul's travel and interactions are not recorded. In sorting out Paul's significance within Acts it is necessary to start with a solid foundation that enables
the connection and assembly of all the details provided about Paul's travels as recorded in the text. Time and location
are two constants in the Book of Acts, that remain exactly the same today, defining the chronological history of events for
Paul's travel itinerary. Geographic location coupled with a specific chronological point in time provide an exact way to "connect
the dots" of Paul's travels throughout Acts. The relationships between what, when, where, why, and how, concerning things
that happened to Paul will provide a wealth and depth of information that has not yet been gleaned from the text of scripture
for at least approximately 400 years by any "Christian" religion, or, if it has, it sure has been the best kept secret up
to now. Countless entities today identify themselves as possessing a genuine "Christian"
identity. The number and diversity of such claimants alone is evidence that many claiming such, if not all, are nothing
more than dabblers of another "false way." The secular definition of the word "Christian" is universally accepted, even
by those who adamantly claim the Bible to be "their only authoritative rule of faith and practice."
The following analysis will prove, directly from the text of scripture, as recorded, that anyone
or anything claiming to be "Christian" today has been ignorantly deceived into believing such by
a religious denomination automaton, or a masterful thief bilking his blind, naive followers out of their hard-earned cash.
Acts 1:15 says that there were at least 120 disciples with Peter
at that specific point in time. Peter was their leader, the chief apostle over these "men of Israel." He
commanded, in Acts 2:38, that they "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission
of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." Note that those following Peter's instructions got remission
of sins, not complete forgiveness of their sins at that point in time. It is clear from Acts 3:19 that their sins would
not be completely "blotted out" or forgiven until some future time, "when the times of refreshing shall come from
the presence of the Lord." Peter told the "house of Israel" that God had made Jesus
"both Lord and Christ" in Acts 2:36, after already reiterating in Acts 2:21 what the prophet Joel had said, "that
whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." This was the protocol associated with the gospel preached
at that point in time by Peter and the other eleven apostles. Believers called on the name of the Lord, repented, and
got water baptized for the remission [not complete forgiveness] of their sins. This gospel was presented to the house
of Israel believing Jews and proselyte converts. "The number of the disciples multiplied," up through the Acts
6 time frame. Keep in mind that Saul [Paul] still had not yet arrived on
the biblical scene. Saul did not show up until Stephen was stoned in Acts 7. The only gospel being preached from Acts
1 through Acts 8 was that preached by Peter and the other eleven apostles. Gentiles were still considered "dogs"
[see Matthew 15:26-27; Mark 7:27-28]. As Paul later confirmed in Ephesians 2:12, Gentiles "were without Christ, being
aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the
world." Gentiles were not yet part of any program unless they became proselyte believers. Jesus was sent only
" unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel" [Matthew 15:24]. The only church in
existence at this time was that made up of the believing part of the nation of Israel that had accepted the gospel being preached
by Peter and the other apostles. Saul is introduced in Acts 7:58. By the point in time of
Acts 8:3, Saul was making "havock of the church," that is, the church consisting of believing Jews following Peter's
gospel. He was "breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord." [Acts 9:1].
Saul's first conversion was still a future event scheduled to happen in Damascus at the Acts 9:18 point in time.
PAUL'S FIRST CONVERSION IN DAMASCUS Acts 9:1-30 shifts the main focus onto Saul [Paul]. Acts
22:4-21 and Acts 26:10-23 contain supplementary information contemporaneous with the chronological history of events delineated
in Acts 9:1-30. In other words, even though what happens to Paul in Acts 22 and 26 occurs many years after the actual
events described in Acts 9:1-30, the information recorded in these two chapters relates directly back to what did happen to
Paul in the Acts 9 time frame. All so-called "Christian" religions teach that Saul took a side trip to Arabia as described in Galatians 1:17. You can search all the
maps in every bible, dictionary, and commentary, available in any library or on the Internet, and you will find that every
source consistently claims, as fact, that Saul took his trip to Arabia sometime between Acts 9:19 and Acts 9:29. In
order to support this, the travel itinerary described in Galatians 1:17-21 has to be force fit back into the Acts 9:19-29
time frame by truncating and completely omitting the three verses of Galatians 1:19-21.
This area of the study is extremely important, because an incorrect mapping of the chronological
history of events concerning Saul's [Paul's] complete travel itinerary, from Acts 9 through Acts 28, will completely undermine
and destroy sound doctrine.
This is the main reason why there are so many today who are quick to label themselves as being
"Christian." It all springs forth from this simple, yet totally
devastating 400plus-year error, sustained through the centuries by established religion, in the chronological history of events
as related to Paul's travels.
The underlying reason this is so important is because Galatians 1 discusses what, when, where,
why, and how, Paul got "his gospel" as compared to the one being preached by Peter and the other eleven apostles. There
are significant differences between the two gospel protocols and their effect on a person's spiritual standing.
TAKING A CLOSER LOOK AT THE RECORD Acts and Galatians are two separate books. Each was
written at a different time and by a different author, yet it was God that preserved His words even to this present unbelieving,
English-speaking, "Christian" generation.
The chronological order of Saul's travel from one location to another is precisely described in the text contained in each
book. Acts 9:1-30 details Saul traveling from Jerusalem to Damascus,
back to Jerusalem, then to Caesarea on his way to Tarsus. Galatians 1:17-22 details Saul traveling from Arabia, to Damascus,
to Jerusalem, then up through the regions of Syria and Cilicia [Note: Cilicia is where Tarsus is located]. If one contends that Saul traveled from Damascus to Arabia as recorded
in Galatians 1:17, then Paul would have to travel back to Damascus from Arabia. This would place Paul taking this travel
to Arabia sometime between Acts 9:20 and 9:25, while he was still recuperating and gaining back his strength. Plus,
the detail of Paul traveling through the regions of Syria and Cilicia after Jerusalem contradicts Acts 9:28-30, so Galatians
1:21 has to be completely deleted for any fit to make sense between the two separate records. There are more problems present when you try to force fit a trip
to Arabia in between Acts 9:20-30. Galatians 1:18-19 says that " after three years I [Paul, when I was known
as Saul] went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days. But other of the apostles saw I none,
save James the Lord's brother." If Saul took a trip to Arabia anytime between Acts 9:20-30, then this is an outright
lie, which Paul specifically said was not a lie in Galatians 1:20. When Saul was in Jerusalem between Acts 9:26-30,
it is clear he saw disciples in verse 26, plus Barnabas and apostles in verse 27, not just Peter and James. Furthermore, Galatians 1:22-23 says that Saul "was unknown
by face unto the churches of Judaea which were in Christ: But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past
now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed." This contradicts the fact that Acts 9:26 indicates that they knew
who Saul was "by face" because they were afraid of him. Acts 8:1,3; 22:4; 26:10 & 20 indicate that there
were plenty of disciples in and around Judaea that had been persecuted by Saul face-to-face , yet Galatians says Saul was
"unknown by face" to them in Judaea. The only way Saul [Paul] could have been "unknown by face" in Judaea
is if a large segment of time had passed in between each chronological time frame of Acts 9:20-30 and Galatians 1:18-23.
Also note that Saul had preached " the faith which once he destroyed." The only faith Paul was destroying back
in Acts 7-9 was the one represented and delivered by Peter's gospel. [Note: Later you will see that
Saul did not get "his gospel" directly from the Lord in Arabia until the chronological point in time simultaneous with the
time frame of Acts 10:10-16.] Saul DID NOT take a trip to Arabia during the
Acts 9:20-30 time frame. Saul's trip to Arabia, Damascus, Jerusalem and through the regions of Syria and Cilicia was
done during the chronological period of time represented between Acts 9:30 and 11:25. This fit is perfect as far as
trajectories and scirpture with no contradictions between the two separate travel records in Acts and Galatians. See
the map below for the correct depiction of Saul's travels from Acts 9 to Acts 11:26. Toss the religion and believe The
SO, WHAT DOES IT MATTER??? There are many diverse views of what actually transpired during
Acts: 1.) Some say that Paul got all of "his gospel" in one lump sum
directly from the Lord during his "road to Damascus" experience. The need for having a correct chronological description,
of the specific time and location order of events as they happened, is that without such there would be no solid, unbiased
foundation available upon which one could rely and build. A study paradigm based upon the spiritually neutral elements
of time and location is immune from personal prejudices rooted in denominational religious pride, teachings, allegiance, and/or
dogma. Starting with non-chronological pieces of information extracted from Paul's epistles, prior to connecting the
chronological trajectory of "dots," would only lean toward the creation of even more diverse "Christian" sects - "false ways" claiming to be truth. The correct chronological presentation of events above shows that
Paul got "his gospel" some time after Acts 9:30, and before Acts 11:25. Galatians is pretty explicit regarding the gospel
Saul got from the Lord. " But I [Paul] certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is
not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ [Galatians
1:11-12]. Therefore, Saul did not get the full complete dose of "his gospel" on the road to Damascus. Paul says
he got this gospel from the Lord in Arabia [Galatians 1:15-17]. To prove otherwise the text of scripture would have
to be changed to re-arrange geography and/or timing of history as already preserved and recorded in order to make something
else fit that presently does not. The exact chronological point in time in Acts that was simultaneous
with the point in time Paul [Saul] was in Arabia, getting "his gospel" from the Lord, as recorded in Galatians 1:17, can be
determined more easily after being narrowed down to sometime between Acts 9:30 and 11:25. The Lord told Ananias in Acts 9:15, "Go thy way: for he [Saul]
is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel."
In Acts 10:11 Peter "saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him." What Peter saw was
a "certain vessel" of common and unclean things [similar to common and unclean Gentiles]. "This
was done thrice: and the vessel was received up again into heaven [Acts 10:16]. At the same time Peter was in
his trance, Paul [Saul at the time it actually happened] describes in 1 Corinthians 12:1-9, that he "was given . . . a
thorn in the flesh" and "besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from" him. Peter and
Paul got the same message from the Lord at the exact same instant in time. What was the simultaneous message? Gentiles were now to become
part of the overall program. The text in Acts and 1 Corinthians seems to suggest that Peter and Paul were most likely
seeing each other, yet not recognizing the actual persona of each, but rather what each stood for symbolically. Peter
saw the "Gentile" program in Paul, and Paul saw the circumcision believers under Peter's gospel as the "thorn in the flesh."
The "thorn" existed within Paul throughout Acts, piercing his "heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that
they might be saved [Romans 10:1]." Satisfying Paul's "heart's desire" was an impossibility.
Some of the believing part of the nation of Israel that had accepted Peter's gospel later received Paul's gospel. Keep
in mind that Paul knew and got saved first under Peter's gospel in the Acts 9:18 time frame. Then Paul got "his gospel"
later to become the "first" saved under that gospel. 1 Timothy 1:16: " Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy,
that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe
on him to life everlasting." Paul getting "his gospel" in Arabia made him the "first"
one into what many refer to as the church, the body of Christ. That church started at the Acts 10:10-16 chronological
instant in time. This fact of Paul knowing, believing, and getting saved under both gospels [first Peter's, then his]
is what made him capable of being the " minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those
things in the which I will appear unto thee [Acts 26:16]." Others in with the believing part
of the nation of Israel, in particular the 12 apostles, would never fully understand or become believers under the gospel
given to Paul by the Lord in Arabia. Paul's gospel placed one into Christ as "members of his body, of his flesh,
and of his bones [Ephesians 5:30]." The apostles had to remain the distinct individuals they will be in the future,
sitting over the twelve tribes in the kingdom and cannot be "in Christ" the same way those under Paul's gospel are "in Christ." Paul's gospel states that "Christ died for our sins according
to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scripture" [1 Corinthians
15:3-4], thus "being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto
holiness, and the end everlasting life" [Romans 6:22], receiving "the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto
the day of redemption" [Ephesians 4:30]. "For by grace are ye saved through faith;
and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast" [Ephesians 4:30], and that
faith "cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" [Romans 10:17]. Paul's gospel protocol only required belief and faith in
the fact that Jesus Christ died for the forgiveness of all sins, past, present, and future, for anyone completely placing
all trust in Him for their salvation. There is no repentance or works meet for repentance involved, no water baptism, and
no calling or believing on the name of the Lord as required under Peter's gospel protocol for remission of sins. Paul's
gospel presented "the way of God more perfectly" [Acts 18:26].