Brown County Communications Center (911) Call Sheet
Communications - Zachary Adamson Case - January 9, 2014 at:
2037hrs-radio_9-not responding to suicides.MP3
2038hrs-radio_11-GPD would respond to help.MP3
2046hrs-radio_16-8B12 on scene.MP3
2048hrs-radio_17-8B12 cant detect breathing.MP3
2058hrs-radio_22-8B12 contact coroner.MP3
2102hrs-radio_23-coroner contacted.MP3
2137hrs-radio_28-scene turned over to coroner.MP3
2142hrs-Misc phone_3-SO take gun.MP3
2209hrs-radio_30-8B12 back 25.MP3
2210hrs-Misc phone_4-coroner leaving scene.MP3
2213hrs-Misc phone_5-911 to Rebecca Adamson.MP3
BCSO Incident Report